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Nurturing Roots of Excellence

Cultivating Leaders of Tomorrow

The LOGO speaks everything of what the learning institution believes nurtures, provides, and renders. It enforces its organizational vision, mission, goals and its philosophy accordingly.

This symbolizes the healing power of medicine. NDCI offers Midwifery and Health Care Services as technical courses leading to nursing then latter to other medical courses Also, it accounts on the Exodus of the Israelites of Egypt to the Promised Land (Canaan) when on their dessert journey, some were bitten by venomous serpent, and God commanded Moses to make a brassen serpent on a pole. The victims who really believed and looked up were totally healed.

The heart signifies love of wisdom which is "Philosophy." As an educational institute, it denotes the love to service for the students, parents, teachers, the people in the community, to the country, and to the whole world in general. The heart is the citadel of God's love. It is the true emblem of service.

While the heart loves and feels, the hands do the actions. The "Helping Hand" represents the willingness to do something for the students to guide. It symbolizes the institution that nurtures, cares, and touches lives of the people in its environment.

It represents the "Light of Wisdom" through complete and balanced education. Education lights up the dark world of ignorance. It transforms a mediocre individual into a well- rounded person who can meet, cope, adjust, and adopt with the environment in which he lives and later on compete with the global world of professionals. The light of wisdom makes a person judge soundly and deals perceptively with facts as well as reality as they relate to life and conduct.

This represents the scientific approach to education. It believes in research as a way to progress because man's major problems demand research, which provide challenge in order to reach the goal. It is a vital factor for progress.

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