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From Vision to Reality: The History of NDCI

North Davao Colleges, Inc. (NDCI) was conceived out of the obsession of the late Dr. Caesar U. Somoso to help the youth in fulfilling their vision and dreams just as he was helped during his student days.

This institution was born on February 1985 with the help of the board of trustees, namely: Dr. Caesar U. Somoso, Chairman; Mr. Ernesto Evangelio, Vice-Chairman; Engr. Rudy Adlaon, Secretary, Dr. Anita B. Somoso, Treasurer; Capt. Eleazar Somoso, P.I.O Members: Mr. Ruperto Sumicad Jr., Mr. Rosendo Espina Sr., and Mr. Dorico Bedoya.

It was a dream-come-true for the parents who wished for their children to have a complete and balanced education. It was formally opened for service in June 1985 with 581 enrollees from kindergarten to college. The following year, the enrollment miraculously increased to 1,181 students. With the aid of the educational services of the Divine Providence, NDCI continued to provide educational services all through the years amidst crises (NDCI Brochure, 1993). Apart from its constant growth of student population, its manpower resources including faculty and non- teaching staff have been drastically increasing in number.

From its modest beginning, North Davao Colleges, Inc. has metamorphosed into a learning institution offering additional programs from which the founder originally started. It has full-blown basic education from K to 12; College of Education: Math and English majors; Bachelor of Elementary Education; and Bachelor of Science in Midwifery. Bachelor of Science in Psychology and other programs are planned to be offered soon.

At present, the school's priorities are focused on program for instruction, faculty training and development, community extension, and research. Upgrading physical facilities is never ending. Headed by Dr. Anita B. Somoso, the president, the institution stands proud and remains steadfast in its quest for academic excellence and service to God and humanity.


"If you want to learn English, you must speak in English, write in English, think in English, and dream in English!" Such a daring idiolect belongs exclusively to the NDCI founder, the late Dr. Caesar U. Somoso, who, if he's still around, would tell everybody that it's just a matter-of-fact statement. It reflects the wit of a determined visionary who went beyond mastering the English language. Endowed by a strong personality and a charming sense of humor, he obtained what he wanted: QUICK RESULTS! This was concretely proven when he tackled the Herculean task of spearheading the development of a school that would bear this noble trademark: 'Nurtures Distinctive Character."

Who would ever think that in a year's time, he made it possible for NDCI to operate? Yes, and complete with all the levels - from elementary to college, even with Vocational subjects, like Automotive Mechanics, Refrigeration and Airconditioning! If we are good observers, we may notice that administrators who put up schools usually begin with the first level: Elementary School, then gradually add Secondary School, and, if they succeed, they may add College, but with NDCI: all levels were offered straight away in its initial operation. Incredible!

Where does his magic lie?

He was said to be a captivating and motivating speaker. He was known by the masses; he even rubbed shoulders with politicians, like the former Senators Nikki Coseteng, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Raul Roco, and Juan Flavier. He invited these people as speakers during the Commencement Programs of NDCI.

If you ask those who knew him well, he was known to accept no excuses. If he assigns you a task, like asking you to deal with a certain transaction somewhere in Davao, and you tell him that you don't know the exact place, he would tell you, "Don't tell me that you don't know. You should know; you ought to know! If you know how to read and ask, you will not be lost anywhere you go."

Even in dealing with banks, he seemed to have some magic. Banks are closed by 3:00 pm, but for him, nothing was impossible. He could still transact with a bank even after closing time. His secret? Diplomatic skills and advanced communication. The bank manager became a friend of his, and he just gave an excuse message in advance that NDCI may be late in its transaction, and it was granted. Well, it sounds easier said than done, but he did it. Frequently.

He was very strict in the implementation of school policies. He didn't want topsy-turvy work. Everything must be in order. Discipline is a must. He encouraged living within one's budget.

He was well-loved by all employees because even if he reprimanded them, he would not bear a grudge. He was like a father who scolded his children and afterwards gave them things they liked; even just a pat on the shoulder would mean a lot.

Most of all, he had a heart for the students, especially the working students; for he was also a working student before, so he could put his feet in their shoes.

The magic of Dr. Caesar U. Somoso remains a wonderful legacy to the NDCI family, who now looks forward to leveling up to eventually becoming a University. Thanks to God for creating such an amazing person, whose magic lies in his strong, indomitable faith in Him Whose glory and power assures us that definitely, Nothing Is Impossible.